Breaking News: Bishop Athanasius Schneider – Faithfulness to Christ in a Time of Crisis
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Breaking News: Dr. Scott Hahn – “Hope to Die” Book Interview
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Michael Lofton. Fr. Patrick, Dru and Tfan answer live questions in an August edition of Stump the Apologist.
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Fr. Christiaan Kappes on Essence and Energies
Fr. Christiaan Kappes discusses Essence and Energies with R&T.
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#theology #islam #quran Michael Lofton and Dr. Shabir Ally discuss the transmission of the text of the Quran and explore if it is reliable. William Albrecht serves as the facilitator.
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Fr. Christiaan Kappes – The Companion Qu’rans
#islam #apologetics #catholic
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Rev. Dr. Christiaan Kappes is the Academic Dean of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. He also has taught and teaches graduate and undergraduate theology at other institutions in the USA and internationally. He graduated with a doctorate in Liturgy (liturgiology) from Sant’Anselmo in Rome and recently defended his PhD at Thessalonik, Greece in Orthodoox theology under Archbishop Elpidoforos of American on the Essence-Energies distinction in Palamas, Gennadios Scholarios, and the Latin tradition. His most recent book is The Epiclesis Debate at the Council of Florence (ND Press, 2023) and his forthcoming title will be on Gennadios Scholarios and the Essence-Energies distinction at the Theological School of Chalki belonging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
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Discussion with Fr. David Sherry (SSPX Superior of Canada)
Michael Lofton has a discussion with Fr. David Sherry (SSPX Superior of Canada) on various topics including the status of the SSPX, partial communion in pre-conciliar teachings, Vatican II, Pachamama, religious liberty and more.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider – Faithfulness to Christ in a Time of Crisis
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Michael Lofton, Erick Ybarra and William Albrecht discuss the life and theology of Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange with Dr. Matthew Minderd. They discuss topics including the Manualist Tradition, Created Grace and Predestination.
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#newtestament #bible #theology #apologetics #textualcriticism Michael Lofton has a discussion with Dr. Stephen Boyce on the New and Old Testament Canon and New Testament Textual Criticism. They discuss the reliability of the New Testament, the deuterocanonicals, comma johanneum, pericope adulterae and the longer ending of Mark. ___________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: Any view expressed by a host, contributor […]
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Dr. Scott Hahn – “Hope to Die” Book Interview
Dr. Scott Hahn – “Hope to Die” Book Interview. Dr. Hahn’s book: http://stpaulcenter.com/product/hope…
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Rick Delano – The End of Quantum Reality
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